Original handwritten Indenture of Apprenticeship between Eliza Ezzy [1841-1922], widow, Andrew John Ezzy [1861-1937], her son, and Samuel Hoskisson [1844-1929], grazier. Signed Eliza Ezzy, Andrew John Ezzy, Samuel Hoskisson, and witnessed by William Walker [1828-1908], June 1874


Description: Folio [340x425cm, written both sides. Fine

The terms of the indenture are clearly set out. Hoskisson shall instruct the 13 year old Ezzy `in the business of a Grazier and Stock Keeper and all and everything relating thereto and also shall and will during the whole of the said term [8 years] find and provide [him] with good and sufficient clothing diet and lodging and also shall and will during the first two years of the said term put [him] to a good school in Maitland.’ For their part, Andrew John and his mother agree that Andrew John `will truly and faithfully serve Samuel Hoskisson as his apprentice’. It is also stipulated that Ezzy `shall not play at cards dice or other unlawful games nor haunt nor frequent taverns nor contract matrimony…’ Hoskisson was married to Amelia Ezzy, the family ties perhaps accounting for the generous terms of the indenture. William Walker, Windsor solicitor, was elected to the Legislative Council of New South Wales in 1887

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