Original signed handwritten letter to J(ohn B(ede) Dalley (representative of the Melbourne `Herald’ in London). Burdyke, Weekley, Kettering. 19th October. `Dear Mr Dalley, Sorry for the delay in answering your letter but I’ve been wandering since I saw you last- Vienna-Hungary & Brussels- & now I’m painting the last of the autumn in the country. I’m awfully sorry I won’t be up in town next Friday otherwise I should have loved the dinner & film…..I wonder if you’d be very helpful to me & if you’d distribute these cards to anyone you think would be interested – Ive sent them to most of the Australians in London, but there are certain folk like Sir Herbert & various press people who would be a great help if I could reach them. I hope to see you next week & we must organize some explorations in London- On a strictly Kentucky Shout basis if you please-so sorry about Friday. Yours sincerely Gladys Owen’
OWEN, Gladys
Description: One double sheet folded. Very good
Gladys Owen (1889 – 1960) an Australian painter, printmaker, social worker, radio presenter, public speaker and arts administrator, was awarded an OBE in 1918. In 1924 she visited Britain and Europe, exhibiting with the Spring Salon in Paris, and the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours, London. In 1932 she married the Australian artist and architect John D Moore
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