Over 60 letters concerning the art scene in Britain in the latter part of the 19th century, mostly to John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903) who was a painter of historical and domestic scenes, a member of the Royal Academy, and himself the treasurer there from 1882 to 1897. The DNB says he was the ‘moving spirit’ in organising a series of ‘Old Masters’ exhibitions at the RA between 1875 and 1890, and that `he was indefatigable in searching for desirable pictures, and in persuading their owners to lend. For such duties he was remarkable well fitted’. The present collection of letters vividly illustrates this talent. It includes correspondence from Lady Butler, G. F. Watts, John Everett Millais, George Scharf, Sir George Grove, the Duke of Bedford, the Marquess of Bristol, the Earl of Cranbrook, Lord Egerton, the Earl of Normanton, Lord Yarborough, Lord Scarsdale. It rather appears that the Reverend John Walker found a rich source of autographs in Horsley who passed on to him a great deal of his apparently ephemeral correspondence