Sierpapier marmer-, brocaat-en sitspapier in Nederland
HEIJBROEK, J.F. & T.C. Greven
Publisher: Amsterdam, 1994
Description: pp158, with tipped-in colour examples of brocade & marbled endpapers; oblong 8vo, illus. cloth gilt. Mint
Description: pp158, with tipped-in colour examples of brocade & marbled endpapers; oblong 8vo, illus. cloth gilt. Mint
A beautiful and useful reference on the gold, bronze, leather, brocade, printed cotton & marbled papers used for decorated endpapers in books in the major institutional collections in the Netherlands. Not since Albert Haemmerle’s `Buntpapier’ (Decorated Paper), reprinted in 1977, has such a scholarly work on the subject appeared. Text in Dutch, with an English summary
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