Studies In The Psychology Of Sex. 2 volumes. Forewords by Ellis and Morris L. Ernst
ELLIS, Havelock
Publisher: New York, Random House, 1942
Description: Large, thick 8vos, cloth. A good set in the rather worn slipcase
Description: Large, thick 8vos, cloth. A good set in the rather worn slipcase
The young Havelock Ellis spent from 1875 to 1879 as a school teacher in rural New South Wales, and credited these years with an increase in his health and confidence. On his return to England he studied medicine, developing a lifelong interest in eugenics, sexuality, and later, psychedelics. He is credited with co-authoring the first English medical textbook on homosexuality. Studies in the Psychology of Sex was first published in 6 volumes between 1897 and 1928
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